Students identified as talented and gifted may be provided with the following learning options: accelerated instruction, flexible skill or ability grouping for a specific skill area, modified curricular content to match student skill, advanced placement, concurrent enrollment at the next higher level of school, and independent study.
Students are identified as talented and gifted in the following areas:
- Intellectually gifted
- Academically talented in reading
- Academically talented in math
Multiple measures are always used prior to any formal TAG identification. Behavioral, learning and/or performance information can be used in the identification process, including
- Scores of 97th percentile or greater on nationally standardized mental ability tests for students identified as intellectually gifted.
- Scores equal to or greater than the 97th percentile on nationally standardized achievement tests in reading or in math for students identified as academically talented in reading or math.
If you have questions about TAG identification for your student, please talk with your school’s TAG Coordinator or principal.
TAG Handbook
Organizations Supporting Tag Learners
En Español
Overview of TAG education Law
The State of Oregon passed the Talented and Gifted Education Act during the 1987 legislative session and revised them as recently as 2003 (ORS 343.407 to ORS 343.413). The mandate is based on sound principles and research regarding the needs of talented and gifted students. The law speaks directly to assessing individual needs of students. The regular classroom teacher has become the major player in providing appropriate services.
The Oregon Department of Education has established a series of Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR’s) which interpret the law and describe how the TAG Education Act is implemented. Chapter 22 of OAR 581, (OAR 581-22) deals with Standards for Public Elementary and Secondary Schools, and has four sections which explicitly discuss Talented and Gifted Education.
OAR 581-22-1310 discusses the identification of academically and intellectually gifted students.
OAR 881-22-1320 discusses the rights of the parents of such students.
OAR 581-22-1330 discusses programs and services for TAG students.
Additionally, OAR 581-22-1510 addresses guidance and counseling.
Contact Us
Julia Bradley, TAG Coordinator
Bryan Dyer, Director of Education