Board Meeting Information

Meeting information

The Cascade School Board meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the District Office Boardroom unless otherwise posted.

The agendas, minutes, virtual streaming and recordings for board meetings are available to the public by clicking on the "Cascade School District Board Meetings" link below. You will be directed to a secondary website powered by BoardBook®.

Cascade School District Board Meetings

Please note that meeting minutes must be approved at the following month's board meeting before they are posted and available to the public on BoardBook®. If you have any questions, please contact Board Secretaries, Lisa Sherman or Jennifer Thatcher, in the District Office at 503-749-8010.

Public Participation

To participate in public comment during the board meeting, participants must sign up online by filling out this form. Online registration for oral public comment and written submissions must be received by 12:00 pm on the meeting date. Paper copies of this form are also available through the District Office during business hours.

The Board values the time and initiative members of the public take to share their thoughts. The Board’s role during public comment is not to immediately respond, but to listen. If there is follow-up necessary, they will direct the Superintendent to do so. Speakers may offer objective criticism of school operations and programs. The Board will not hear comments regarding any personally identifiable District staff member. If the comments contain this type of information, the Board chair will direct the speaker to the procedures in Board policy KL - Public Complaints.
The laws governing boards of education require that their work be done where the public can observe their actions.  Please remember that this is the board’s meeting for the public to observe.  Others may participate only with the approval of the board. 

Please note: It is especially important to remember that we all model behavior for our students and we ask that you share your thoughts in a respectful way.  The Board chair will ask you to stop speaking if you are not able to adhere to these guidelines.  Audience time is not intended as a forum for public debate.  

Thank you for your support of our school district.
When addressing the Board, please stand up and clearly state your name and the topic for the record. If you represent a group or organization, please state that information. Limit your comments to three minutes, as the School Board would like to hear from all patrons wishing to speak. Please give any materials for the Board of Directors to the District Office Executive Assistants, who will distribute materials to the Board members. No discussing personnel or information regarding students. This may only be done during executive session.