Early Release due to threat 12/11/23

Early Release due to Threat: Dec. 11, 2023
Posted on 12/11/2023
early release graphic

Cascade Schools have received a generic threat by email to all of our schools that is not imminent. Other school districts in the area have received the same threat. We are working with police and sheriff departments and they have recommended an early release out of an abundance of caution. 

Buses will leave elementary schools at noon to take children home, and leave the secondary campus around 1:15. 

Students can be picked up by parents at each school until 1:30. Students who do not ride a bus, or don’t have parents home, or who are not picked up will be transported to Aldersgate Camp for Turner and Cloverdale and to HP Civil for Aumsville. Secondary students not on buses will assemble at the football stadium.

Aldersgate Camp 7790 Marion Rd. SE for Turner Elementary and Cloverdale Elementary

HP Civil for Aumsville Elementary 8795 Aumsville Hwy SE for Aumsville Elementary


Elementary School buses have left the elementaries and are taking kids home. Students who did not go on bus can be picked up at school until 1:30. Buses will return to schools after dropping off kids to transport students who are left and all staff to Aldersgate Camp (7790 Marion Rd. SE) for Turner and Cloverdale Elementaries, and to HP Civil for Aumsville Elementary (8795 Aumsville Hwy SE).


Thank you to staff, students, and parents for responding so well to this unexpected early release.

Buses have just left the Jr. High/HS Campus to take students home. Everything has gone smoothly. Less than five students from our elementary schools are at Aldersgate Camp, and staff are present. Less than 5 remain on the Jr. High/HS Campus.

We are working with law enforcement to conduct a thorough safety search at all our schools, which has already begun. We will continue to provide updates.


All staff except admin have been released and have gone home. 

Turner and Cloverdale Elementaries and the Opportunity Center have been thoroughly searched and are all clear. Searches in other buildings are ongoing.

All staff and students are safe and accounted for.


Thank you to staff, students, and parents for responding so well to the early release today. All students and staff are safe and accounted for. Law Enforcement has thoroughly searched all buildings and given all campuses the all clear. School will be in session as normal on Tuesday

We want to give a huge thank you to Turner and Aumsville Police Departments, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, and the FBI for working so hard today to ensure safety and help manage the early release!

This generic email threat was sent to several school districts in Oregon. Investigations continue. We want to give a reminder that false threats are against the law and will be prosecuted.

If you are a parent or guardian and did not get notifications today, make sure that your student is registered at their school and that the school has your updated contact information.

Thank you for making Cascade a safe and helpful community!