Classified Staff

Links in this section aim to assist employees with managing their benefits throughout the plan year.

OEBB link to Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment Booklet (2023-24)
Medical, Dental and Vision Rates & CAP Chart (2023-24)


Medical, Dental, and Vision Plans
Kaiser and Moda Medical & Pharmacy Plan Summaries (2023-24)
myModa login
Kaiser Permanente login

Wellness Programs

Have you experienced a life change? 
If so, make sure your insurance plans keep up with you!

My life changed. What is a Qualified Event and What Do I Do About It? 
If you experience a "qualified event" during the plan year, you may make changes to your plan selection for a limited time.

Qualified events include:
  • Changes in relationship status (marriage, divorce, etc.)
  • Changes impacting the eligibility of your dependents (birth, death, adoption, child turns 26, etc.),
  • Loss of other group coverage
  • A dramatic increase or decrease in the number of hours you work may also constitute a qualified event

Contact Human Resources if you have any questions about Qualified Events and what to do about them. Most mid-year benefit changes must be made within 31 days of experiencing the qualifying event.